Tuesday, July 20, 2010

He's Just Not That Into You [M]

If he's not calling you... If he's not marrying you... If he's sleeping with someone else... He's just NOT that into you.

Hmmm, I seem to be going on a bit of a theme here... Last night I reviewed Valentine's Day and tonight the film of choice is He's Just Not That Into You.... I see a pattern!
... Oh my god, and this a is total coincidence, both flicks have Bradley Cooper in them! *Hums creepy sci-fi music*
Anyway, review time. He's Just Not That Into You.

Similar to Valentine's Day, this movie is a whole lot of different little relationship stories that cross paths in some way or another. You know what it is? It's America attempting to have its own Love Actually. In this movie we see the variety. Long-term couples who haven't married. Women who can't seem to find the right guy. Women who fall for guys that are married. Married men becoming attached to other women. Friends who are thinking of becoming more than friends. Set-ups. Break-ups. Slip-ups. This movie seems to have all the relationship nitty gritty that you can think of.

The main reason I like this movie so much is because it actually is quite clever when you think about it. All the heroines who are having relationship problems or troubles are told stories by their friends. You know, that whole "my friend had a friend whose boyfriend cheated on her at the beginning, but now he's totally changed and they're crazy in love." It was really clever because practically all the characters in the film are friends of friends and, in a way, they all indirectly know each other. I just found that quite cute and clever and amusing. The script is a real asset as well. In between the main character's stories, who have these brief interviews with people voicing their opinion about reading signs and caller ID and what it means if people aren't sleeping with you. And don't worry, women aren't the main focus here. Probably one of the most insightful people in the movie is male. So fair play to you. I wouldn't go so far as to say it was a battle-of-the-sexes movie, but it does look at and compare the different perspectives of both genders on the subject of relationships. It's sort of nifty to know that a sign can be totally misinterpreted by the opposite sex. It's actually quite funny.
Not to mention the names that this flick is jam-packed with. Ben Affleck, Jennifer Aniston, Drew Barrymore, Jennifer Connelly, Kevin Connolly, Bradley Cooper, Giniffer Goodwin, Scarett Johansson, Justin Long, and Kris Kristofferson. That's a pretty good line-up, you have to admit.
So He's Just Not That Into You is a clever little romantic comedy that will have you giggling, groaning, awwing and who knows what else, time and time again.

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